

1-The government should stop funding the IITs and the IIMs and, instead, divert the funds to primary education.

§  India is not a developed country here literacy ratio is very less so government should concentrate on make more people literate rather then concentrating on small group of population
§  Students from IIT IIM are moving out of India serving other nation's organization that is really awful
§  India is democratic country. Democracy can only be successful in only one situation that everyone should literate that could be achieved by concentrating on primary education
§  Spending huge amount of money on IIT & IIM is dividing the nation in 2 different communities one community is not even having primary education where other community is having higher education
§  The most of the people going for the IIT IIM are self capable so government should make all this institutes self financed and stop funding.
§  Still India in development mode so need of these institutes to promote our young talent to international platform.
§  its true student from IIT IIM are moving out but they are sending back money to the country eventually that money is getting utilized in India itself.
§  The phase of development through which India is passing by needs more reorganization of Indian talent pool, which surely needs the more better higher education for young Indians.
§  For democracy we need policy makers so we needs few people who are Indians who can create better systems for us IIT's IIM's producing such kinds of brains.
§  Students from other countries are coming to India so eventually revenue coming back to government pocket.
§  We cant compare the primary education, which is vary vast area with IIT IIM which is concentrated to small area.
§  Funding to IIT IIM can be self financed but there should be proper mechanism and student should get scholarships in case of fees hike

§  2-Profit is the only business of business.

§  Definitely i feel Businessman getting richer now a days and they are not putting effort  for the social causes.
§  The industries only propagating the all kinds of pollution in society.
§  The Social work done by the businessmen is minute as compared to the investment it is taking from the society.
§  The fundamental behind running business is Capitalization .Capitalization is based on only profit.
§  Human life is improving day by day due to business because the kind of innovations happening due to business is not possible without business. The kind of R&D facilities business putting for new innovations is making life better and safer.
§  Definition of business: Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being privately owned and formed to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners.
§  Against
§  Running a business a no more only profit because no organizational structure now a days allow buniess money flow to a particular person the profit go to each and every person in organization as per their role.
§  Each and every well build organization is giving their profits to charity.
§  The Core capitalization is now no more there because organizations now managed by more than one person.
§  Business providing the jobs and revenues to society for whatever cost society give to business.
§  In economics, a business (also called firm or enterprise) is a legally recognized organizational entity designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers or corporate entities such as governments, charities or other businesses.
§  Conclusion
§  Business is definitely a profit making enterprise but the benifits society getting out of it is also considerable.
§  Due to business only the human life is getting better and safer.
3-Democracy has hampered India progress.

§  Democracy definitely hampered the progress because the people who have chosen by the Indian people are not educated enough and capable enough to run the government properly.
§  Democracy putting forward lot of restrictions on business to run it as profitable enterprise rather then it is becoming more like running for social causes.
§  In some sense yes. You know, because of the way the system is built, lot of regulations and formalities come into picture. The bureaucracy leads to delays.
§  Yes, as all can see from the TV news and read the papers, everything is being molded according to the wishes of the so called protectors of the democracy.
§  Why separate scales are being used for same kind of work/service.
§  Democracy is the only reason of India's progress. there is no greater system for a country than a vibrant democracy . there may be problem, but then what system does not have the problem. there will always be problem in any system, but we have to overcome that and keep trying to do so. no system can ever be foolproof because no two men always can think alike.
§  just look to Pakistan for a reference. or if you have China in mind, there bubble will burst one day like USSR did.
§  At the time of Independence, the average income of Pakistanis was higher than that of Indians. Today after almost 60 years of democracy in India (bloody and violent democracy at time I will admit) and 60 years of dictatorships, military rule and religious control in Pakistan, the average income of Indians is about 300% higher than Pakistan and India is now in the process of becoming a genuine world "superpower."
§  There might be some problem with the democracy but no system is fullproof we can rectify 
4-Are we raising a generation of burnt out children?

§  The reason for pushing the children hard to day is to nurture them to face the competitive world tomorrow.
§  Developing talent is not a sin, it will help the child in his future.
§  It is a trickledown effect from the kind of competition experienced for entry into engineering colleges, graduation and others.
§  as Darwin said that most eligible can survive it is only the way to make the children able so that they can survive in the sea of humans.
§  The basic needs of childhood are, time to play, place to play and explore the world through his eyes.
§  In the name of competition we are raising fatigues children.
§  The stress is resulting into children engaging in all kinds of derogative acts.
§  It is true that competition is growing day by day but child hood is age for playing making friends so parents should let their kids to do the same.
5-Advertising is all glitter and little truth.

§  The stars promoting the product most of the time dont take its responsibility moreover they not even use the product.
§  Advertisers have to depict what the customers like, enjoy keeping in mind the clients requirements.
§  As the products increase and so the ads, glitter is a way to ensure brand recall, a very important factor for the advertising firms.
§  Most of the time companies over showcase their product qualities which is not fair.
§  There are lot of examples like a person eat a chew gum and become so cool that girls start following him or take example of a famous perfume where if guys use that perfume girls start running behind them all these are totally fake.
§  Advertising is a business and not charity. Companies hire advertisers for their promoting their products and it is not vice versa.
§  Advertising firms carry responsibility of providing customers with unbiased information about products.
§  In order to have a healthy bottom line the ad firms cannot shun their responsibility towards the society.
§  Ad firms have to develop the ethical content into their processes to ensure fair deals.
§  There are advertisement available which show the notice that it is medically proven or they are having proof.
§  Advertisements are somewhat made to attract the customers and some time they might only glitter but sometimes they are also true

6-Corruption is the main outcome of democracy in India.(IIML)
§  The fact that the system provides equality to everyone ,from whatsoever background and competency makes it easier to play around loopholes in the Indian Statute
§  Democracy not play a direct role to prmote the corruption but it give power to the people who could be non capable and have there own aims and shelfishness.
§  Democracy not play a direct role to prmote the corruption but it give power to the people who could be non capable and have there own aims and shelfishness.
§  In damocratic system a person is chosen by other people.This procedure could be faulty because human being can be motivated trough the means of greed,or fear.
§  The risk of Democracy is a systemic risk ; corruption is a personal equation and holds good or bad depending on an individual's and organization's personal value systems. The two should therefore not be construed/ read as a cause- effect relationship.
§  Democracy give choice to people to select the leaders on the basis of there capabilty and goodness.If people choose the wrong leaders then that is not the problem with democracy that is the problem with people.
§  The democracy dont support the curruption at all.But the people them selves are greedy and selfish who are motivatd for corruption.

7-Social network Boon or Ban or
Social networking privacy issues
Favor (Boon)
§  Social networks are new meaning of staying in touch with whole world.
§  The internet a tool that an increasing number of people are choosing to use with great frequency. Too many of these people forget that the internet is a unrestricted, unregulated, and uncontrollable grouping of millions of people, their data, their opinions, and there interests.
§  Public sharing of private lives has not led to a rethinking of anything. It's just reminded people to use extreme caution when publicly sharing their private lives. If you wouldn't do something in front of everyone you know, don't do it on the internet.
§  Laws should --never-- be extended to allow privacy protection for things that people say and do in the public domain. Perhaps the greatest part of the internet is the lack of control, the utter and complete freedom of speech. What is needed is a basic warning from parents or friends to those who are new to the internet, warning of the possible pitfalls that can come with such freedom.
§  Humans are social animals by our nature and social networks are just one other outlet for humans to interact. We should not look at social networks are threats but as opportunities for us to interact with people globally. I myself am an active user of social networks and have made many friends and business contacts online that I would otherwise not have had the same level of opportunity or interaction.
Against (Ban)
§  Social-networking sites allow seemingly trivial gossip to be distributed to a worldwide audience, sometimes making people the butt of rumors shared by millions of users across the Internet.
§  Public sharing of private lives has led to a rethinking of our current conceptions of privacy.
§  Existing law should be extended to allow some privacy protection for things that people say and do in what would have previously been considered the public domain.
§  A guy who posted a video on Youtube weightlifting,skiing, and performing karate exhibitions. He was fired from his job for showing to much Bravado.
§  like other human social interactions which are transient, e.g. talking to friends over lunch, the Internet keeps a permanent record of what we say to each other. If you are having an online conversation with your friend(s) then you should be aware that conversation can be seen by countless others and that a record of that conversation will be kept somewhere on the Internet. Indeed, now with some social networks introducing geolocation services a record of where we go and how long we spend there will also be maintained.
§  There was one incident where robbers using user's geolocation on facebook to find out when target is at home or not.
§  People need to be aware of the environment within which they are communicating to others. If you are discussing things in a public forum then all that information is available to everyone else in that forum. Therefore hey should take a common sense approach to what they should and should not discuss. In the real world we only talk about sensitive issues when we are in private and with people we trust. I think though that when people are online they can fall into a false sense of security because there are physically in a secure place using their computer either in their office or their home which results in them divulging information they should not.

§  Social network is indeed boon for human race as it is bringing people closer and letting them communicate with each other without any fear and barriar.But still one nee to cautious of what level of personal information they are revealing on the social networks.


  1. Thank you for this information. It will help practice and improve our skills.

    Read news papers regularly to update yourself and also help you to improve your general awareness.
